How to Start Practicing Radical Acceptance Now
So many people spend a lot of time trying to stay in control. In reality, there are very few things in life that we actually have complete control over. When you fight against those things, it can lead to stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues.
Instead, consider adopting a mindset of radical acceptance.
Radical acceptance is more than a distress tolerance skill. It’s a way to accept and work through life’s challenges and difficult situations by realizing that some things are simply out of your control.
Of course, practicing radical acceptance can take a bit of effort. Let’s take a closer look at what this skill really is and how you can start to change the way you think in dealing with whatever curveballs life throws your way.
What Is Radical Acceptance?
Fighting back against the things you can’t change or control can cause a lot of discord in your life. Even if you don’t necessarily consider yourself a perfectionist, there are many things you might wish you could change, but simply can’t.
Letting go of that desire to fight back can make a big difference.
Radical acceptance is the practice of accepting the things that can’t be changed. The idea is that by fully embracing the things out of your control, you’ll reduce suffering in your life.
You can still acknowledge your emotions and how certain situations make you feel. Radical acceptance doesn’t mean you should ignore or avoid difficult situations. Rather, you can feel sad, frustrated, or even upset about certain things without trying to change them. Accepting what’s out of your control can actually make it easier to navigate those emotions and work through them in healthy ways.
Identify What You Can’t Control
The first step in practicing radical acceptance is to learn what your triggers are. Is there something out of your control that you’ve been fighting back against? When you recognize which aspects of a situation are out of your hands, you can start to let go.
As soon as you’re able to do that, you can also pay closer attention to your emotions. You’ll be able to gain a better perspective on how often you tend to resist what’s going to happen. Being more in tune with your emotions can make it easier to process them in healthier, more effective ways.
Be More Mindful
Mindfulness is the practice of staying in the moment. Life is full of “what ifs,” and those can fuel situations that are out of our control. But when you start dwelling on the past or thinking about the future, it can give you a false sense of control, causing you to want to resist reality.
When you choose to be more mindful, you’ll stay grounded in the present. Close your eyes and focus on deep breaths as you take in the sounds, smells, and feelings of your surroundings. This practice can help to calm you down and be more accepting of the challenges ahead of you.
Speak Acceptance Out Loud
This can take some practice, but actually accepting the things you can’t control out loud can make a big difference.
Consider saying things like, “It is what it is,” or “This is out of my control.” It’s okay to start small, and you should be kind and compassionate to yourself as you attempt to release the things you can’t change. By putting these small sayings out there, they can feel more real and concrete.
Practicing radical acceptance takes time, and you might be tempted to slip back into resisting more than once. If you’re looking for additional help with this practice or learn more about anxiety treatment, contact me for more effective strategies and insight into why radical acceptance can make such a difference in your life.